Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I can't believe I have abandoned this blog. It is sad. I should write here more. It's strange to think that what I am writing here is like an open journal. All the world to see, or for no one to see. It would be cool to just write whatever I was thinking and not feel the need for censorship. And then the idea that I should write about certain things, or in a certain way all crop up and stomp on the art that would like to come out in the form of writing. It's corrosive and unpleasant. It keeps me from wanting to leave anything on this page, but rather keep it inside, or just type it in a personal place for no one to see.
But when you want to vent, and you really need to type, it's sometimes bad to put it out for everyone to read, though it's so easy to release it by just getting it out there -- and out of your system. Because this blog is old. I'm linked on my mom's homepage. I can't just go off the handle.....she may start worrying about me.
And when it comes to other things, like mundane details in my life, I think to myself "who really cares!?" I can't bring myself to write about it -- because it's kind of like writing on a public bathroom wall: Where many can read it, but most won't care.

So... what to do with this blog. Should I keep it alive? Should I make it a travel journal? Should it become a place where I drone on about my love for Hawaii and tropical places? That's where the name came from -- a festering desire to go to Hawaii -- and as I sat on a stool, surfing the internet for good flights and trip packages, I was considering the trip on my own, just for the sake of GOING.

Should I make a different site, and only invite exclusive friends to the web address? Hmmm. I may have a good name for it.
Maybe I should read about security and seeing if this blog site has a setup where people can only view the page with a password or something.
Research is not what I'm in the mood for.
Which is what I'll be saying in 2 weeks when I'm schooling again, and forced to do just that.

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