Saturday, January 12, 2008


We came home after work and checked out the theatres online. Then we contemplated driving further for a cheaper fair of just going to the one 5 minutes away and paying more. We opted for the closest one. To aid in Andy's anxiety to see it in the theater, we watched National Treasure 2. It was fun. Then we walked back in the lobby and bought tickets for The Bucket List. It was excellent, but much more serious than I had expected. Still, I highly recommend it.
I've never watched two movies in the theater back-to-back before. It was thrilling. Andy looked at me kind of funny when we were in line for the 2nd one. He's a big movie goer and has probably done this many times.

I love Friday nights.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahaha! I have seen both movies as well..but not back to back. We saw National Treasure 2 the night it opened...and I saw The Bucket List last weekend and HATED it. It was so sad and depressing. I mean, to me the movie put forth the thought that when someone finds out they are sick it is both funny and acceptable to walk away from your family. I love friday nights too times.

February 04, 2008 1:13 PM  

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