GOP vs Democratic
The election season has brought about the term "GOP" as a replacement of "Republican Party".
GOP stands for Grand Old Party - founded in Jackson, Michigan in 1854 as an anti-slavery expansion for activists and mondernizers. This was the party that Abraham Lincoln won the Presidential election i n and ended the American Civil War.
Now, over 100 years later, the Republican party is still referred to as the GOP, yet the democratic party is the one that brought a black president into the white house. 16 years ago, Bill Clinton also won over 92% of the black voters and held office within the Democratic party.
The Republican/Democratic parties are certainly not what they used to be. They don't stand stand for what they used to. At All. They evolve - just as our tastes should.
So I encourage everyone to refrain from relating themselves to a particular party. You don't know what this may bring to mind in a conversation with someone else -if you refer yourself to being one or the other. They may have been brought up in an age where it meant something completely different than what it does today- in this very moment - with the people in power within these two parties.
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